3.9 C
February 14, 2025
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A Few Frequently Asked Questions about Long Term Disability

Long-term disability is insurance that replaces income for employees that are unable to work as a result of a disease or injury. It makes them able to pay bills and meet financial objectives. It is a vital part of being fully insured, but many workers do not take it. Long term disability lawyers in Halifax highlighted a few FAQs about long term disability here:

Who is entitled to get benefits for long-term disability?

You are eligible if you’re either a permanent employee who works for a minimum of 28 hours every two weeks or, a permanent but part-time employee who does not work continuously for at least 28 hours every two weeks but works on average 28 hours or more for every two weeks over the year. You are eligible for coverage if you have completed 12 months of continuous operation from the first day of February of the year following the year.

How long the LTD plan covers me?

You will be covered by the LTD plan until:

  • you are laid-off,
  • you retire,
  • your employment terminates,
  • you die,
  • You have a pensionable service of 30 years in Nova Scotia Health Employees’ Pension Plan and you turned to 60 and above.
  • you turned age 65 (less the 150 consecutive day removal period).

When I retire, what will happen to my LTD coverage?

If you retire, the Long Term Disability Package no longer covers you. No LTD conversion option is available for you.

During a leave of absence, what happens to my LTD coverage?

You can continue coverage under the LTD plan for up to 24 months when you are absent without pay for reasons other than diseases or injuries. For payment arrangements, please contact your boss.

You will be subject to pre-existing condition limitations when you do not want to resume coverage and your leave of absence is more than 24 months.

What are the monthly benefits of the LTD plan?

At the time of your disability, you are entitled to claim a monthly allowance equivalent to 70% of your monthly wages. You can get a monthly profit of up to $20,000. However, you need to provide good health proof that is be approved by the insurer for amounts more than $15,000. Please be aware that the Long Term Disability (LTD) monthly benefit is regarded as taxable income.

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